Monday, June 30, 2008

Thing #23

I am living proof - if I can do it - anyone can!

1- My favorite discovers/exercises were:
.blogging in general
.trading cards
.Library Thing

2- Life long learning:
.Like one of the video clips pointed out - in the 21st century a person will not be considered illiterate only because they are not able to read and write. One will be illiterate if they are not willing to learn, unlearn, and relearn.

3- Surprises:
I could actually do most of the assignments without a hitch!

4- I'm totally satisfied.

5- Yes!

6- phenominal

Now I'm going to go back and see if I can get my Photo Story to imbed!!
This life long learner never gives up!


Grendel said...

Good for you, lifelong learner!! I am glad that your experiences were mostly successful and that you found this course helpful to you Congratulation on finishing!

VWB said...

Congratulations on reaching your summer's a great feeling to accomplish all of that, i know!
hope you willcontinue to use your blog to keep us informed of the changes in your classroom as a result.